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Eurodoc Conference 2022 ~ Building a Bridge Between Research and Business

The Eurodoc Conference 2022 will be held online on 18-19 May 2022. The event is organized by the Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers and the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc).

The conference will focus on overlapping fields in research and business and how to transfer knowledge and skill between these areas.

Without naming all possible positions, a person can only work in seven sectors. Everyone in economic and commercial relationships, from entry-level to conglomerate managers, is faced with administration, law, finance, supply, personnel, production, and sales fields. For all people, no matter what sectors they operate in life, the mentioned fields are the same - only the scope and the ways of accountability to the state differ. These are areas where one needs to know and have experience, or at least know what to ask if one wants to engage in any economic and commercial activity.

Therefore, the aim of this event is to bring together everyone who wants to add value for themselves, their careers, universities, companies, and ultimately, for their states. We believe in our smallest and their high added value. To address all the issues mentioned before we have divided the Eurodoc conference into seven topics areas.

7 Topic Areas of Eurodoc Conference

Field: #1 Finance - Finding your funding

  • How to find and apply for funding?

Field: #2 Law - Knowing your legal rights as a researcher

  • Research copyright and property rights.

  • Research and PhD candidate/postdoc contracts: are they equal?

Field: #3 Administration (Management) - Understanding the environment you are working in

  • How administration structure works on your data, time, resources, and teams.

Field: #4 Supply - Supply chain models

  • How do we understand the scientific supply chain (accessing knowledge and research facilities)?

  • The movement of resources, ideas, and expertise.

Field: #5 Human Resources - Acquiring skills to succeed in research and business

  • Human resources are the set of people who make up the workforce of an organisation, business sector, industry, or economy.

  • What skills are sought after in all sectors?

Field: #6 Production - Beta-testing your product and market analysis

  • Bringing research output to society (from research to business).

Field: #7 Sales - Scientific product marketing and sales.

  • How will my research product make an impact? Science commercialisation: sales methods, techniques, and competition.

  • Small and big sales strategies.


Save the date — registration will be open soon!


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