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Kvietimas dalyvauti konkurse „InSPiR2eS Global Pitching Research Competition“

Kviečiame dalyvauti konkurse „InSPiR2eS Global Pitching Research Competition“. Pirmos vietos laimėtojui už geriausią pitch‘ą bus skirama 10.000 dol., o bendras piniginis fondas siekia 40.000 dol.

Norint dalyvauti konkurse, reikia būti šio tinklo nariu. Narystė yra nemokama. Nario registracija čia:

Detalesnė informacija:

InSPiR2eS is hosting a global research competition (IGPRC) that invites novice researchers to submit a 1,000 word “research pitch” by 28th February 2022. The research pitch must conform to Faff’s (2021) “Pitching Research” framework.

The pitch entry must be created by a higher degree research student (HDR) or an early career researcher (ECR), explicitly mentored by either a thesis supervisor or senior researcher. The IGPRC online Grand Final is planned for May 2022.

A total prize pool seeks more than AUD$40,000, and the overall winner of the competition will receive AUD$10,000.

More info about the research network can be found here: Those who would like to become members of the InSPiR2eS research network can contact dr. Neringa Gerulaitiene ( or fill out a membership registration form here:

All competition participants should be members of Inspires network. Membership is free.



Registracijos adresas

Telefono numeris

J. Basanavičiaus g. 6, LT-01118, Vilnius

+370 692 82 939

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